Visit Jaisalmer. A 1000 year old desert city

What is Jaisalmer? Well it’s not just an Indian city. It’s a desert city which has a written history of more than 1000 years. The city is named after Maharawal Jaisal Singh, who was a Rajput king in 1156 AD. Well he is no more, but he has delivered a desert town which is now a global tourist destination.

Analysing that a lot of foreign nationals are visiting Jaisalmer, so we Chetram Voyages, started a blog to inform travelers that what are the top places to visit in Jaisalmer . So, here is it.

Destination 1: Jaisalmer fort

Jaisalmer Fort, or Golden fort as we, locals say, is one of the largest castles in the whole world. It was built in 1156 AD by a Rajput ruler (Rao Jaisal). The reason we say this fort as the Golden fort is that in evening or early morning the walls of the fort which is made up of yellow sandstone, sparks with golden color.

Destination 2: Patwon Haveli

As Jaisalmer has a royal history, so the city is full havelis (royal houses). The most famous and the largest one is Patwon Haveli. Well Havelis are astonishing as they are not just royal houses, but they are like story tellers. There walls depict the great stories of Hindu mythology, like the story of Mahabharat and Ramayanwhich are the two of the greatest epics of Indian society. You can also view this small 2 minute video of Patwon Ki Haveli, prepared by our friends WildFilmsIndia.

Destination 3: Bada Bagh

Bada Bagh is one of the favourite tourist destination in Jaisalmer and just 6 kms from Jaisalmer fort. This is actually a garden complex made to remember Maharaja Jai Singh, who ordered to build a dam which made Jaisalmer green.

So, just lend 1-2 hours and do visit Bada Bagh. Watch this small slide.

Destination 4: Gadisar Lake

Gadisar Lake is an artificial lake and it was prepared back in 1400 AD by the Maharaja of Jaisalmer. The best time to visit this lake is in winter when many migratory birds are here. Gadisar Lake isn’t a crowded tourist spot, I have seen many travelers coming with their binoculars, paint brush and enjoying the sunset & sun rise. So, if you are planning to visit Gadisar Lake, then be here n evening or early morning.

Well I really like Gadisar Lake, so I prepared a nice slide with some great pictures. Do have a look.

Destination 5: My travel agency… No it’s my favourite – Sand Sun Dunes

People don’t even plan to come at Jaisalmer without even thinking of Desert Safari. We always suggest our client to first go for city sightseeing, then from 4:00 PM to 11:00 AM go for desert safari in the largest desert in Indian subcontinent. : Thar Desert”.

So, why you should spent a night in the desert. I present just a single image. Just see for yourself.

By |2019-06-09T09:30:21+00:00October 17th, 2015|Jaisalmer|Comments Off on Visit Jaisalmer. A 1000 year old desert city

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